Responsive Web Design is an approach whereby a designer creates a Web page that “responds to” ie. resizes itself depending on the type of device it is being seen through.
Responsive Web design has become one of the hottest trends this year, due in part to the growth of smartphones and other mobile devices. More and more people are using smaller-screen devices to view Web pages.
The purpose of responsive design is to have one site, but with different elements that respond differently when viewed on devices of different sizes. If we look at traditional “fixed” layout, where each page is divided into two or three columns, it all looks fine on a big desktop screen, but the same layout displayed on a smaller tablet’s screen forces the user to constant scrolling, swapping and zooming. This is even more cumbersome on a tiny smartphone screen. Not too mention high resolution, large size images that don’t fit into a small screen and take ages to download via mobile internet.
A responsive website will adapt to each scenario, by changing the layout, replacing large images with smaller ones and making touch operation easier. A recent change in Google search algorithm will rank responsive websites higher than their “desktop only” competitors.
A recent study shows that some 77% of all Irish internet users are more likely to access the web via mobile device than a desktop computer. Mobile devices are quickly becoming the primary medium to access the Internet across all age groups. In a world filled with smartphones, tablets, netbooks and powered by better network coverage, faster broadband connections, Wi-Fi networks and the explosive growth of mobile apps, the demand for ubiquitous availability of Internet is only getting stronger.
Bad mobile experience will cost you in lost customers.
If your website is not viewed properly on a mobile device over 75% of your users will switch to a competitor and never go back to you.
With responsive design you don’t have to worry about current and future device’s limitations, resolutions. Properly created responsive website guarantees that customer will find desired useful information quickly and effectively.
The pros of responsive web design:
- Lower costs. You will have to maintain one website, no duplicated content for each specific device is necessary.
- Responsive website is better for search engine optimisation, than separate mobile and desktop versions.
- Your site is easily accessible on any type of device.